- Twice each semester, students will need to POST on Ms. Cunningham's Choir Forum.One should be an original post. The 2nd should be a comment on another post.The posts and/or comments need to be 200 - 300 words and maybe on a variety of topics:
- Sharing and discussing an interesting You-Tube Video of a choir. Discuss the choirs technique using proper theory terms.
- Discussing some aspect of music theory we have been discussing in class
- Research you may have done on your own that you found interesting about a topic that pertains to choir.
- Comments on rehearsal that are pertinent to the entire choir's growth or insight on a particular piece of music.
- Review and discussion of a recent performance you may have attended.
- Analysis of a text we are singing.
- Blog posts with inappropriate subject, tone, or theme will be removed by Ms Cunningham and zero credit will be given for that post.